
Taking care of people e the environment is the essence of our business.

Exportadora Guaxupé believes in the importance of partnership for sustainable action. Therefore guides and collaborates with suppliers to produce sustainable quality coffees, with good environmental, economic and social practices, bringing prosperity for them, their families and the planet.

The sustainability platforms with which Exportadora Guaxupé works are: Guaxupé Planet, Rainforest Alliance, C.A.F.E Practices – Starbucks and Certifica Minas.


Certification Programs

Exportadora Guaxupé offers training and consultancy for partner producers to adapt and meet certification requirements.

The consultancies also help to improve management and producers incomes, collaborating in an activity that brings social, environmental and economic benefits to everyone involved.

Certifications are an additional guarantee to consumers that farms adopt good agricultural practices at all production stages, meeting environmental and labor standards.

Guaxupé Planet Sustainable Cafés

EXPORTADORA DE COFFEE GUAXUPÉ believes in the importance of partnership for sustainable operations.
In this way, it developed its own coffee supply chain certification protocol to provide support and guidance to coffee growers for environmentally correct, socially fair and economically viable production.
Called GUAXUPÉ PLANET Sustainable Cafés, its implementation was based on the main ILO conventions, national legislation and good agricultural principles of sustainable production, covering a set of good agricultural practices recognized worldwide.
With an inclusive and accessible structure, it aims for comprehensive membership, including small producers and a process of continuous improvement.
We provide all specialized support for producers to achieve certification for their property, such as consultancy, documentation, and free training.
In addition to supporting the producer, certified coffees meet the expectations of consumers, who demand traceability and a product in line with what they believe and stand for.
The sustainability criteria of GUAXUPÉ PLANET Sustainable Coffees meet the main principles of global sustainability, some of which are:

The criteria were developed by the company’s sustainability department and changes to the sustainability criteria are considered based on needs as they arise. Every decision is made by the program development committee, made up of members of the company’s board of directors and sustainability department. Immediate/critical changes to sustainability criteria will only be possible upon unanimous decision by the Committee.
In constant improvement, GUAXUPÉ PLANET CAFÉS SUSTENTÁVEIS counts on the help and support of all those interested in both its improvement and possible complaints. Stakeholders are invited to provide input into the sustainability criteria at any time and their input will be considered in future revisions. The parties involved will be informed about the revisions to the sustainability

For this, we provide a form where the applicant can offer:

1) OPINIONS AND SUGGESTIONS, related to the improvement and development of the protocol.
The form can also be used for the parties involved, who in some way feel negatively affected, to make complaints safely, without any type of retaliation. Complaints can be diverse, such as: certification decision, some type of declaration made, audit, among others. All complaints will be evaluated and responded to, click here to access the form.

We emphasize that the entire protocol was prepared by Exportadora de Café Guaxupé Ltda., being solely responsible for the creation, eventual updates and changes to the protocol. Whenever there is any type of change in the structure of GUAXUPÉ PLANET CAFÉS SUSTENTÁVEIS, we guarantee that the parties involved will be duly informed.
Traceability: GUAXUPÉ PLANET CAFÉS SUSTENTÁVEIS guarantees traceability of all coffee produced by its participants. This way, it is possible to map and have information on all certified batches at producer level. In our warehouses, traceability continues to prove that the coffees used for shipment are 100% (one hundred percent) of GUAXUPÉ PLANET SUSTAINABLE COFFEE origin.

The use of the GUAXUPÉ PLANET CAFÉS SUSTENTÁVEIS brand, which includes the logo and/or name, depends on prior approval. Anyone interested in using it should contact us for information and alignment via emails: and
Audits of the Guaxupé Planet Cafés Sustentáveis protocol are carried out only through a 3rd party audit, by a duly qualified company. Auditing companies and auditors must meet a series of preconditions to be able to carry out the program audit. Some of the preconditions are: companies that have accreditations, such as ISO 17065, technical training of auditors, conflict of interest policies, among others. As for certification audits, they are all carried out annually, in person, on a sample of 25% of the group’s total properties. Of this sampling, at least 51% must be audited during the harvest period and a maximum of 49% can be audited outside this period. Properties that obtain any non-compliance in the process must rectify it immediately and, next year, undergo an audit to ensure that such non-compliance is not occurring. The entire protocol is based on a continuous improvement of (03) three years. In this sense, producers begin to implement sustainability practices in year (01) one and by the end of the third year, it is expected that they will already be complying with the entire protocol.
The types of audits possible in the program are only on-site certification audits, and for reasons of unforeseen circumstances or force majeure, there is the possibility of carrying out audits remotely.
It is the responsibility of Exportadora de Café Guaxupé Ltda. guarantee the compliance of non-audited members through internal audits carried out periodically at the participants’ properties, however every certification decision is the responsibility of the duly qualified company. As a form of support for the producer, all audit costs are the responsibility of Exportadora de Café Guaxupé Ltda.

Documents and spreadsheets

Download the documents for coffee certifications

Would you like to certify your property?



Educampo Café is a Sebrae (government institute) program developed to improve farm management. EXPORTADORA GUAXUPÉ is the link between producer and consulting, supporting all necessary supplies, like structure etc. Get in touch by clicking here to know more.

Educampo Café is a partnership between EXPORTADORA GUAXUPÉ and Sebrae that integrates coffee growers, sector companies and expert consultants in coffee management for the continuous improvement of the chain.


The Brazil Sustainability Program is part of the actions of the Global Coffee Platform.

Since 2012 it stimulates and disseminates sustainable practices in coffee growing.

Its main reference is the Coffee Sustainability Curriculum (CSC), which has been disseminated by program partners and members.

With a focus on small and medium producers, the program has provided an alignment of initiatives that occurred in isolation and seeks to strengthen partnerships for sustainable coffee production.


In addition to adopting measures that show environmental and economic concern, the group’s companies perform an important social work, through the daily donation of milk to various entities (day care centers, nursing homes, hospitals and APAEs), in Tapiratiba -SP and Guaxupé-MG, and the construction and renovation of schools, churches and welfare entities.

It also provides for the Nossa Senhora Aparecida nursery, which serves 120 children from 3 months to 4 years and 11 months.

Working for social inclusion, it also maintains a judo practice project, which serves a group of approximately 120 people from 7 years of age.


The program “Agro Against Cancer” was created by the Hospital de Amor Barretos with the objective of building loyalty to Brazilian Agribusiness donors and encouraging them to become partners in the fight against cancer. EXPORTADORA GUAXUPÉ joined the program and extended the partnership with the Alfenas Regional Hospital and the Passos Cancer Regional Hospital. Producers who sell coffee with the company may donate R$ 0.20 per bag to these institutions.

Talk to us!

We are available to answer you questions. Get in touch for more information.