. The property presents all the delivery invoices for the deposit and sale of the coffee produced.
. The property has an up-to-date map of the total area. It shows the legal reserve area, permanent preservation, coffee production, buildings and other crops.
. Forced eviction: In the event of a court decision authorizing the eviction of a certain rural area, the owner will present a plan to mitigate the risks and allocate these families elsewhere.
. Producers comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
. Producers have legal rights to use the land or process it.
.Acquisition of land rights is carried out with free consent, informing all affected people with a legal right to use land and water, including those who claim traditional land use rights, especially indigenous peoples.
.It is forbidden for any of the parties involved to receive and/or provide undue advantages to obtain guarantees and benefits not specified by law or international agreements.
. A training policy and schedule based on identified needs is developed.
. Producers and their employees will have to receive specific training on the Guaxupé Planet Sustainable Coffee protocol on their role on the property in order to be aware of sustainability practices.
. Producers are aware of the good agricultural practices, post-harvest and handling practices, good management and quality practices that can be implemented within the farm. Good agricultural practices (GAP) must be followed as defined by applicable national programs and/or standards (Good Agricultural Practices Manuals).
. Producers are aware of the specifications and quality parameters (e.g. moisture content, physical defects, standard, beverage, residue limits).
Producers and workers are trained in practices related to good agricultural practices, post-harvest and handling, and quality practices.
. Producers are trained in good management practices and corporate governance.
. Producers implement these practices (Management and Corporate Governance).
. A production cost control is carried out. A breakdown of cost x income must be presented.
. An internal inspection system is in place and includes at least one periodic self-assessment of the level of sustainability of the properties participating in the Guaxupé Planet Sustainable Coffee certification protocol.
. Producers have an action plan adapted to their location with a deadline for meeting the sustainability requirements of the Guaxupé Planet Sustainable Coffee certification protocol. The plans are regularly reviewed, progress analyzed and adjusted as necessary to promote continuous improvement. – Critical Criteria.
. All workers (permanent/temporary/production) have a written employment contract. They are aware of their rights, duties and benefits, and all contractual conditions are respected.
. The property does not use any form of forced labor (ILO 29 and 105). – Critical Criteria.
. All recruitment fees are paid by the employer and not by the workers. It is forbidden for workers to pay recruitment fees; if they do, the employer must reimburse them in full (ILO 29 and 105). – Critical Criteria.
. No salary deductions are made for disciplinary measures, tools, equipment or volunteers without the employee’s consent, except those permitted by law. (ILO 29 and 105). – Critical Criteria.
. Workers (permanent, temporary, production) who terminate their employment contract receive all their rights in accordance with current legislation
. Producers and workers are free to join trade unions (ILO 87 and 98).
. The results of collective bargaining are applied to workers.
. Workers (fixed, seasonal, production) receive fair and equal treatment, taking into account their skills and abilities. People with the same function receive the same salary, seasonal and production workers have the right to receive the same benefits as fixed workers, as long as they are applicable (e.g. housing, food, transportation, hygiene).”
. Discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, age, religion, social class, nationality, disability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, worker representation, marital status or conjugal union is not permitted (ILO 100 and 111).
. In cases of discrimination, harassment or abusive treatment, appropriate action is taken (ILO 111).
. Producers support diversity, equality and inclusion through participation and the development of opportunities for all people involved in coffee cultivation and production management.
. A grievance mechanism is accessible and implemented so that employees and the civil community who are negatively impacted by the activities and operations of the business have the opportunity to report complaints or make suggestions for improving the working environment without being negatively affected.
. Workers enjoy maternity rights in accordance with current legislation.
. Workers (fixed, seasonal, production) receive at least the minimum wage established in the country or region or collective agreement if applicable. Wages increase over time to reduce the gap with decent/welfare income.
. The employer complies with the legislation regarding benefits, vacations and termination of employment.
. Workers (fixed, seasonal, production) are aware of the payment they receive and there is no doubt about the amount paid, especially those who work by production. Payment by bank deposit is permitted.
. The sum of normal working hours and overtime complies with national legislation.
. Overtime is voluntary and paid at a premium in accordance with national legislation.
. For every 6 straight days worked, the employee must take a 24-hour rest period.
. The workers have a safe, hygienic workplace, with toilets available, healthy, ventilated and well-lit.
. The property is aware of the risks related to the activity carried out by the workers, and the actions that should be taken to minimize the risk of accidents. Workplaces are properly identified in terms of the risk to which workers are exposed. There is an emergency or accident procedure visible on the property.
. Employees receive PPE according to their job.
. The property has an internal accident prevention program, medical examinations and training.
. Residents and employees have access to drinking water.
. Employees and their families who live at the workplace have housing in good condition.
. When necessary, the employer provides collective housing/accommodation, which must be made of suitable building materials and be in good condition. – Critical Criteria.
. Workers are regularly trained in occupational, health and safety practices.
. Child labor of any kind is not allowed, by which I mean children under 16 (ILO 138). – Critical Criteria.
. Workers between the ages of 16 and 18 must have the written consent of their parents or guardian and be duly enrolled in a school (ILO 182 and 138). – Critical Criteria.
. If young workers are hired (in Brazil from 16 to 18 years old), they must not be exposed to environments with physical, mental or emotional risks (ILO 182 and 138). – Critical Criteria.
. Children of legal school age attend school. – Critical Criteria.
. Pruning, skeletonizing and de-budding are carried out on low-producing or unproductive plantations to promote better yields.
. Soil erosion is prevented.
. Producers maintain and control soil quality using relevant techniques and improve their soils by using cover crops, reducing soil acidity and/or adopting intercropping or adopting techniques.
. The fertility of the soil and the nutritional status of the crops are monitored at least every two years.
. Whenever possible, organic fertilizers and coffee by-products (parchment, husks) will be used to improve soil fertility, complemented by inorganic fertilizers.
. Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) measures are implemented and documented. Producers and employees are trained in IPMD and receive guidance on methods for controlling coffee pests, weeds and diseases without the use of pesticides.
. All pesticide and fertilizer applications must be registered.
. The pesticides are properly stored.
. The pesticides and fertilizers used or stored are registered for use on coffee crops. Producers should be aware of the dosage to be used, always respecting the product’s package leaflet and the agronomic recommendations of the technical manager.
. The use of pesticides on the list of products prohibited by the “Guaxupé Planet Sustainable Coffee” certification is prohibited. – Critical Criteria.
. The use of pesticides on the “Guaxupé Planet Sustainable Coffee” certification watch list is minimized or eliminated by 2030. – Critical Criteria.
. Empty pesticide containers are rinsed three times with water and punctured with holes. Empty pesticide containers are returned safely.
. The producer tracks, identifies and segregates the product harvested on his property. There is clearly documented control of the traceability process.
. The use of genetically modified coffee varieties (GMOs) is not permitted.
. The property has the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR).
. The producer is aware of his area’s high environmental value. The APP, RL and conservation unit areas or those otherwise guaranteed by law must be protected, clean and free from access by animals or people. – Critical Criteria.
. Water sources are identified and water is used efficiently.
. Producer is concerned with reducing energy and oil use, through practices and procedures that can make this possible. The use of renewable energy is encouraged and must be proven whenever this source of energy is used. e.g. use of coffee parchment in dryers etc.
. No deforestation or degradation of primary forest has occurred since 2008 and 01/01/2014. Native forests and ecosystems are protected from conversion or degradation, whether legal or not (zero deforestation or conversion). – Critical Criterion.
. There is a mechanism for identifying endangered animals that have their habitat on or near the property.
. There is no hunting or extraction of animals or plants of endangered species. In cases where small producers do hunt or collect endangered species, there is evidence of activities to raise awareness about conservation.
. Producers have a Waste Management Plan for their properties.
. Wastewater treatment in central processing plants (wet) complies with the legal quality parameters for wastewater.
. Producers separate the different types of waste on their property.
. Producers dispose of the different types of waste correctly.
. A climate risk assessment is carried out. Producers are aware of the impacts of the climate, such as: loss of area suitable for coffee production and moves to higher altitudes, increased water stress, flowering, increased outbreaks of pests and diseases.
. Producers, whenever possible, carry out good agricultural practices to increase carbon sequestration in the soil.
. Producers document Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the main sources of production and processing operations and, as far as possible, implement practices to reduce them.
. Producers identify and implement measures to adapt to climate change, such as good agricultural practices, irrigation, recovery of degraded areas, soil cover, new plant varieties and diversification.